July 15, 2009


Had an amazing day today. We had to pair up into groups of 2, and find 2 people to follow. One of us had to photograph, the other do audio. I walked the oldest golf course in the world today, as well as hang out with one of the nicest ladies I have ever met named Violet. I walked the oldest course with Jim, an ex-everything. He has done it all to make a living, and now plays golf to pass the time. Violet walks dogs, and pals around to pass time.

Josh and I got a ride from Mussleburgh all the way to Queens Ferry, which is about a 45 minute drive each way, from Violet. She was so much fun, and I might go have dinner with her some time later while we are here. It was a fantastic day, I got to see an amazing bridge, an old golf course, learn my way around Scotland a bit, a bit of history, and Violet's personal favorite beers.

O yea, and the picture of the half-pipe, that is for you James. Thought you might get a smile out of it.

Take it easy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks baybee <3 keep it coming